Not Just a Massage Studio

Sol Solace Studio started as a massage studio, but quickly became much more than this.

Just who are we now, and how did we get here?

Monica Castillo trained as a massage therapist at Lauterstein Conway and eventually became lead therapist at one of Austin’s top massage studios before transitioning into her own practice that would become Sol Solace Studio. 

Throughout her sessions with clients, something started to happen. As she worked on some bodies, intense imagery of memories would come to mind — and there was something unique about them: they weren’t her memories. Somehow through working a person’s muscle tissues and fascia, snippets from that person’s past would surface to Monica, and it was often tied to trauma. By processing these memories, clients began to heal.

Sometimes more than just memories would surface, but actual spirits and passed loved ones would appear, sometimes carrying a message, and sometimes just providing a reassuring presence to bring comfort.

To some, this all sounds crazy, we know. But it has happened enough times with enough accuracy that we’re far beyond the skeptical point and have fully embraced this realm of healing. Coming from a lineage of Mesoamerican healers, Monica has leaned into this side and further honed her skill with guides and mentors. She has also grown her team to include three trauma-informed practitioners who blend a range of healing modalities that span traditional and modern healing, including Traditional Mesoamerican Medicine, Mediumship, Ancestral Healing, Reiki, Tarot, and more. And yes, we also integrate clinical massage and bodywork modalities, such as Craniosacral, Lymphatic Drainage, Deep Tissue, and more. Visit Our Services page to learn more.

So that puts us somewhere between clinical massage studio, traditional healers, and spiritual coaches. We would sum it up as Traditional Somatic Healing. But in the end these are all just words pointing at something bigger that we strive to be, a safe space to experience another realm of healing that has been missing from the world, and to experience that you’ll just have to come and visit.

Book a session for yourself here.